The Art of Manuel Muñoz "González" (from Saraguro)

NEW May 20, 2006 ART of MANUEL MUÑOZ 2 (



Ayudando a mi madre / Helping my mother / Ñuca ushani mamaman

Pastel 12 X 25 in.


Nuestra vida juntos / Our lives together / Tandarishpa causai

Pen 14 X 22 in.


Tristeza / Sadness / Llaqui llaquilla

Pastel 16 X 24 in.


Siguiendo el camino / Following the path / Ñanta catishca

Pen 12 X 16 in.


Donde vive el alma / Where the soul lives

Pen 15 X 22 in.



Pencil 18 X 24 in.


Me enseñaron a pescar / They taught me to fish

Pen 18 X 24 in.


Amor verdadero / True love / Shucuhuan cuyana

Pen 15 X 19 in.


Mi buen vecino / My good neighbor / May alli cuchulla causac runa

Pen 9 X 12 in.



Niñ0 / Child / Huahua

Pastel 18 X 22 in.



Nuestra hija / Our child / Ñucanchic harmi huahua

Pastel 12 X 16 in.


Hombre sabia / Wise man / Yachac runa

Oil on canvas 16 X 20   


Viento / Wind / Huaira

Pen 15 X 19 in.


His excellency, the Ambassador of Ecuador to the United States,
Dr. Raúl Gangotena, with the artist's wife, Silvia González, and the artist,
Manuel Muñoz, at Manuel's showing at the Ecuadorian embassy in 2004


The artist with guest at embassy showing


Artist and wife (with their photos on a wall) at the National Museum of the
American Indian, Washington DC

This page created July 25, 2005 by J. Belote

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